It reminds us of extraordinary talents gifted to us and our opportunity to discover and cultivate them so we can create a better world for us, our family, our communities....This book can make a real difference once you recognise there is more than we can see, and it doesn’t matter how that power is called in your culture.
Pavel Li, Australia

Kingdom Clarity to Step into Your God-given Destiny
In these ever-changing and uncertain times, how do we find clarity and live out our God-given destiny on this earth? Maybe you don’t exactly know what your purpose is or how to achieve it.
The good news is that you don’t have to figure all these out on your own! In Start With Who, you will discover that the God who designed you wants to lead you to success. He wants you to step into your God-given IDENTITY before you step into your God-given DESTINY.
• Learn how to unlock your original design.
• Partner with God to work with Him, not for Him.
• Develop strategies to walk out God’s blueprint for your life.
• Break free from comparisons and be empowered!
When you learn to partner with God, you’ll be surprised where He can take you—exceedingly, abundantly above and beyond all that you can ask or think.
Are you ready to start the journey now?
Start with WHO He has designed you to be.
Read this book to find out how!
Grab the eBook NOW to discover WHO He has designed you to be!
This book, START WITH WHO, was written with the intention for it to be a practical resource for readers. Discover truths about your God-given identity so that you can step into your God-given destiny! It all starts with WHO He has designed you to be.
Watch all 6 Bonus Kingdom Video Interviews and more with the purchase of this book.
Note: Readers will be notified and gain access of additional interviews as well.
CHAPTER 2: THE CLARITY CIRCLE (View first interview for free)
Brad and his wife Gigi founded Victory International Church based in San Mateo, California. Their church has a goal to see 10,000 salvations in 2021 and are on track to reach it. He has been actively involved in missions through Randy Clark’s ministry in Brazil and in Thailand. With years of experience, he has learnt to flow well in evangelism, prophecy, healing, words of knowledge, and deliverance.
We ended the interview with Pastor Brad praying a prayer of blessing where I tangibly felt God’s love and presence!
Purchase the book to receive access to all 6 Bonus Kingdom Interviews now

Matt is often invited as a guest speaker and teacher with Lana Vawser’s ministries. He is a pastor of Haberfield Baptist Church and the founder of Greater Things International. Gifted with prophetic anointing, he leads people into en- counters with Jesus and experiencing the Father’s heart. He helps others discover who they are in the eyes of the Lord and break off debilitating beliefs. So many people have found freedom and deliverance under his ministry.
We ended the session with Matt leading us into an encounter with God. Find a quiet spot in listen in expectation!

Peter started an IT company in 2000 and grew it into an 8-figure business before he sold it in 2018. He now uses his experience to coach business leaders around the world to accelerate and multiply one’s time, money, and mission on earth. He founded 100x Legacy, an integrated coaching practice for business founders and leaders.
If you feel that you want to expand for more, regardless of whether you are in business or not, watch this coffee chat style interview with the expectation that God is going to expand your mind on who He is and how He can lead you into your destiny.

Baoyan is the Director of Genesis Architects and Glory Education Services in Singapore. She had a strong desire for missions, but God led her path very differently into businesses. Because of God’s favour in her businesses, she was able to support ministries in over 10 nations, impacting over 50,000 people. This includes helping Mama Heidi Baker build the first African ocean-front university in Mozambique!
We had an honest and transparent discussion of how God led her through her business to her fields of favour around the world, including Rwanda.

Rev. Dr. Paul K. P. Ang is the founder of Arsenal of Fire (AOF) Global. AOF’s ministry is to raise up end-time disciples of Christ to be ‘Fire Starters’ or ‘Torchbearers’ to carry His fire and glory to the ends of the earth, with rapid fire and quick ignition to deliver, heal and transform lives—to shine for Jesus. This ministry is spread across Singapore, Malaysia, China, Australia, New Zealand, the United States and Israel.
We discussed on how to receive God’s fire and walk in it; and ended the interview with the impartation of His fire. God’s Spirit responds to hungry hearts. Be open and receive the impartation in faith.

Peter is an author and keynote speaker for business, leadership & churches. He has over 50 years of business and management experience. He was the managing director of DDB and the co-founder of Gloria Jean’s Coffee Australia. By the time the Gloria Jean’s was sold in 2014, there were over 400 Gloria Jean's stores across Australia and over 800 coffee houses in 39 countries worldwide.
Peter now speaks worldwide, providing tools, encouragement, advice and expertise to businesspeople at a variety of Church and non-Church events, connecting faith to life.
Grab the eBook NOW to discover WHO He has designed you to be!

Ruth Saw
Ruth Saw (MBA) is an international bestselling author and speaker. She is a Gallup certified strengths coach and has been trained in Bible college, including YWAM. With Jesus as ‘The Clarity Expert’, she now helps others step into their God-given destinies, through books, coaching, and workshops.
Having lived and worked in different cultures, including the United States of America and Asia Pacific in her consulting practice and corporate career, she realises that regardless of culture, people will flourish when they know who they are, when they find clarity. Now Ruth utilises her corporate and coaching experience to enhance organisational and individuals’ performance.
She herself found clarity and freedom in pursuing her passion (despite being an introvert!) and now she’s dedicated to helping others find their clarity.